Monday, August 23, 2010

quotes: "Breath by Breath" by Larry Rosenberg

"If we can learn to let the breath unfold naturally, without tampering with it, then in time we might be able to do that with other aspects of our experience: we might learn to let feelings be, let the mind be."

"The instruction is to let it be, to surrender to the breathing. We are learning even in this first instruction the art of surrender, which is central to our Dharma practice."

"When the Buddha is hot, he sweats; when cold, he shivers."
"Sometimes we have the mistaken idea that an enlightened being wouldn’t be subject to such conditions. The Buddha wouldn't notice heat or cold. Actually, almost the opposite is true. He would be aware of them to an extraordinary degree. He would feel all their subtle gradations. But he wouldn't make anything more out of them. They would just be what they are."

- Larry Rosenberg

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