Saturday, September 1, 2012

a silly tipsy rant

Smartest thing I ever did was, leave America after living there for 8 years, those eight years were the worst years in my life... From one point of view. I did however gain something from the experience. That is insight, motivation, and a view of a modern world and the propensity of a modern society to influence a loss of humanity.
While silly little human beings, including myself, fuss and fight over trivial points of view, mass perversion and deception rules supreme.

One day, the mountaintops may be the last place on earth where one can be truly human. To be a human being, amongst other beings. Feeling the cool fresh air, steeping the soul in silence, and sense with unintelligible recollection where we come from. Unburdened by the deception of selfish greed and power. Where one might observe silence, beauty, and majestic power of the natural world.

One way I judge my own well being, is by how comfortable I am while sitting in silence. The more restless I am in a silent state, I should know I have become less of a natural human being, less capable of being free and self sustaining.

I do not look forward to the peak of civilization, I look up to the peak of a mountain where clouds silently gather, and the night sky gathers the star light and reaches forever far. Reminding me of how vast and free this existence is. At any time, nature is right here, inside and out, supporting and giving us life. On that vast and empty platform we dance and bounce around, as silly little selfish animals, but yet in the infinitely wide view of creation, we are as natural and harmless as a butterfly. Alone, one can be nurtured by this life and find ones strength. And even while the ever burning haze of our cities wash away the night sky. The silent universe, the quaint country is still the place where we can truly find peace and the support of our mother earth.

There is relief in believing that when it all comes to an end for me, that there will be nothing wrong in this universe. Only to be human, in this time, doing one's best at discerning what is thought to be right and wrong, is what produces anything "wrong".
Once released, the human mind takes rest in the cycles of birth and decay, not holding on to or possessing one single thing. Life, existence, has it's balance, and is beyond our petty judgements.

That what is natural and right is other than our human mind, but is after all, what has been given to us is this mind and the capacity to observe. Everything is at once the observer and the observed, there is actually no separation. That which has produced and will eventually reclaim our brief human form is silent and greater than us, and yet is us. Just as is the wind, the grass, and space between worlds. To that great nothing, we should pay homage and by observing our selfishness, try to be less selfish.

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